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Classroom Liquor Stock and Buying Guide

Fortified Wines → Madeira Wines

Madeira wines are fortified wines from the Portuguese island of Madeira.

The following liquors are stocked in the classroom, along with others that are not mentioned here.
To learn more about types, tastes and advantageous selection of liquor, sign up for a Liquor Sommellery Course at Elemental Mixology.
Brand promotion is not for sale here and nothing about these pages is sponsored. All opinions are organic and honest.
Click on any icon below to see the legend explaining its meaning.

Verdelho Madeira Wine
 [Verdelho Madeira wine is full in flavor and semi-dry.]

Malmsey Madeira Wine
 [Malmsey Madeira wine is rich in flavor and sweet.]

  • Blandy'sTM 5-year Rich Malmsey Madeira | ★★★
     (19% alcohol, Madeira-Portugal) [USA prices]
  • Blandy'sTM 10-year Malmsey Madeira | ★★★
     (19% alcohol, Madeira-Portugal) [USA prices]